Sunday, March 30, 2014

Happy Tater/Bunsen Burner/Clams on the Half Shell/World Backup Day!!!!!!

Okay, so, it's not so happy for the clams, so I'm not going to post pictures of the clams, also because I can't look at the pictures without becoming nauseated :P Sorry.

Also couldn't find a World Backup Day 2014 sign :P

Happy Take a Walk in the Park/I am in Control/Pencil/Turkey Neck Soup/Doctors Day!!!

I couldn't find any pictures for I am in Control or Turkey Neck Soup, sorry. Happy I Am in Control and Turkey Neck Soup Day!!

Now onto the pictures :D

I couldn't resist with the Doctors pictures :P

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Hi again

So, I just realized how neglected this blog is becoming, poor thing hasn't had anything posted on it since February 27th. So I decided to post on it again :D Yay!

Happy Appreciation/Spinach/Nougat Day!! (or days... whatever have some pictures :P)